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New features are constantly being added to Microsofts flagship language, C#, and the pace of this change is increasing. In the past couple of years, we welcomed C# 6 and C# 7, the last languages release of their size. Microsoft is now releasing updates to the language in point releases, since C# is no longer tightly coupled to Visual Studio. In 2017 and 2018, Microsoft shipped C# versions 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 without any sign of slowing. Normally, sessions about new language features only happen well before the release of the new language, leaving you with time to forget everything you've learned by the time you're actually able to adopt the new language! In this fast-paced session, Brendan will show you the recent, practical improvements added to C# that you can take back with you and immediately start using to clean up and improve your own code. This is definitely a session you won't want to miss!